My New Book: Of Herding Life and Homelands: Urtyn Duu and Badmaa in Alshaa, Inner Mongolia

After four years of ethnomusicological research in Inner Mongolia, I’m pleased to announce the publication of my new book: Of Herding Life and Homelands: Urtyn Duu and Badmaa in Alshaa, Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia People’s Publishing.

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This book specifically focuses on how changes in musical life and in urtyn duu are encapsulated in the life and work of Badmaa, one of the most well-known and influential singers of this genre. In response to urbanisation and the loss of their herding life, today’s Alshaa Mongols seek different ways to express their sense of longing for an imagined homeland. Through their movement between rural and urban areas, and the consequent relocation of musical activities, performers retrieve, create and invent their traditional music. In the demanding circumstances of multiple social and musical identities, and geographical dislocation, urtyn duu and Badmaa have become powerful symbols through which Mongols remember and reimagine themselves as part of an earlier time and of the motherland.


Oyuna Pilcher